Helping 40+ busy, stressed women improve physical, spiritual, and mental wellness with optimal nutrition, fitness and healthy habit building that lasts. 


Heal your body from the inside out.

Have you every experienced any of the following?

  • You are facing the uphill battle of trying to get healthy, but it feels like it's out of reach. You don't even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore.
  • You feel constantly drained, frustrated with unexplained weight issues no matter how much you workout, the constant lack of energy and irritability, hair thinning, sleep irregularities —these issues take over your everyday life, leaving you to wonder if something deeper is at play.
  • You have sensed it, even though your doctor insists that you're bloodwork is "normal".
  • You feel stuck and think you will never feel good again. You will always be stuck feeling tired all the time and won't ever lose the weight.
You CAN lose weight and feel great again! 

Are you ready to sleep better and recognize yourself in the mirror again?

Schedule your FREE 1-hour coaching session

What is Functional Health Anyways?

Have you ever wondered why some health programs just don’t work? 

Functional health isn’t just about fitness or nutrition. It’s a holistic approach that considers the whole body. Here’s what we look at:

  • Blood Work: Understanding your body's chemistry to tailor the right plan.

  • Metabolism and Hormones: Ensuring everything is functioning as it should.

  • Gut Microbiome Health: Balancing your gut bacteria for better digestion and overall health.

  • Lifestyle: From stress management to daily routines.

  • Nutrition: Personalized dietary advice to fuel your body.

  • Fitness: Exercise plans that fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Sleep: Optimizing rest for better health and recovery.

  • Spirituality and Mental Health: Addressing faith and the mind-body connection for overall wellness.

So, how can functional health help you?

  • Lasting Changes: We focus on sustainable habits, not quick fixes.

  • Comprehensive Approach: We address multiple aspects of your health, not just one area.

  • Personalized Wellness Plans: Tailored strategies based on your unique needs and goals.

  • Improved Quality of Life: More energy, better mood, and a stronger body.


Ready to feel like you again?

Get healthy and lose weight for the last time!

I'm Ready!

What We Offer


Faith Driven Functional Health & Wellness Coaching

Personalized coaching services with options for in-person or virtual sessions. Whether you're striving to achieve personal improvement, deepen your faith or looking to enhance your overall health and wellness program, we've got you covered.

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Grow Your Health Coach Business - Mentorship

Are you a health coach looking to take your business to the next level? 

Our comprehensive mentorship program is designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to thrive in the competitive world of health and wellness.

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Online Courses

Online courses designed to provide you with a step-by-step path to achieving a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Personal improvement with faith-based foundation to help you have the life you always wanted!

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Free Printables

Check out all our free printable resources.

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What Our Growing Community is Saying

 "Something I liked about your class was taking the time after class to talk on a more personal level to the students. As well as being able
to build a better relationship with you. I appreciate you being open and personal to the class. It
made me feel more comfortable getting to know you because I feel like it made me feel like you
were willing to open up to our class. "

Julie B.

 "This class was a lot of fun and I learned so much because of it! Thanks for being an awesome coach!!!

Savannah B.

 "I appreciate the way you would allow me and other cadets to speak with you in
more of a casual way after class was done and allowing us to voice our opinion more freely and
give us advice as a mentor. "

Teagan E.

 "Coach first of all I would like to thank you for all the hard work you put into your career not only for us but your family, your work is appreciated by us all. You have taught me a lot of interesting ways to broaden not only my gym life but my outside life."

Ryan C.

 "I appreciate the time and effort you put into the program and appreciate the guidance that you have to offer from your life experiences. It has been helpful. Thank you for everything. "

Caleb W.

"Thanks for all the time and hard work you sacrificed to help us and me improve myself. I’m so very glad to have met and trained with you Coach, and am very appreciative of all the input and wisdom I’ve received. Thanks Again."

Brendan B.

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