From Stressed and Wrecked to Peaceful and Happy

mental health stress management
coach eve crying

I am NOT a fan of these kinds of pictures, BUT, I felt it was necessary. Here's why...

I have focused my posts on mental health this week as preparation and awareness around September and Suicide Prevention Month. 

I never like when I see someone post a picture of themselves crying. 

I think, why? Why would you stop and take a picture?

Well, here's why

Earlier today, I talked to a previous coworker from my "dream job turned nightmare ".

He went through some difficult challenges about the same time I did. 
(This place of work was and is known for a lot of dysfunction.)

He decided to fight and, surprisingly he won!

He got his job back after a couple years of trying to get arbitration. 

You ask, why am I crying then?

Well, I made the choice not to fight.

Although, I would have won and discredited this employer with a story that would have shamed them, I was done.

I made the choice to not drag myself or my family through more turmoil than we had all already gone through. 

Working there very quickly turned into a nightmare and it destroyed my physical health, emotional health and mental health. 

I have spent the last several years working to heal what happened, physically, mentally and emotionally. 
(What I want through was beyond basic workplace dysfunction)

Recently, I decided to go back through through the workbook I use with my clients. I wanted to do more inner work. 

I had done it before but this time was different. 

I felt God moving in me more than ever. I knew He was refining me even more. 

Removing what was unnecessary.

Although I absolutely don't want to go back to my "dream job turned nightmare ", I miss some of my friends there and the work I did. 

I found myself not sad because I chose not to fight. I was grieving and releasing. 

Hence the crying, not because I was sad, because I was releasing, on a deeper level.

It was therapeutic. 

I know God asked me to have the Faith of Job during my healing and He still does.

He also showed me how much I have healed since then. 

God has shown me how much HAPPIER and PEACEFUL I am now. 

It's OK to cry. It's OK to grieve something you don't want anymore. 

The work I have been doing in my workbook has been healing in another level that I didn't get before. 

My new protocol for my health has been a refreshing and happier path! 

My physical, emotional and mental health has been healing in ways I needed 20 years ago. 

If someone would have told me at 26 that at 46, I would be on a whole new path that would heal wounds from 20+ years of life and I would find a whole new way to approach my physical fitness and health that I didn't get taught in college, I would have looked at them like they didn't know what they were talking about. 

NOW, though, I am in a better place. 

I want you to be in a better place too. 

To feel healing, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

It is possible and I am here to help you. 

You are not alone.

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